Online Registration
If you live within the practice catchment area and wish to register with the practice you can register quickly and easily online. You can check your postcode and register online here.
After registration, you will need to come in and provide us with an up-to-date blood pressure recording. We have all the necessary equipment in our reception and an appointment is not required, just walk-in at a convenient time for you while we are open.
We also accept registrations from patients not in our catchment area, but are unable to offer a home visiting service. For more info see below.
Paper Registration
You can register simply at our reception desk during opening hours. You will be asked to complete a Registration Form and a New Patient Questionnaire Document at the time of registration the receptionist will assist you in taking your blood pressure. You will also be asked to provide your NHS number. In order to save time you can print off the registration form below which can be completed and brought to the practice at the time of registration. You will still be required to attend in person and complete our health questionnaire before you are fully registered. Please note that a separate form will be required for each family member who registers with us.
- Download Registration Form
- Download New Patient Questionnaire Document
- Download Practice Leaflet
Registering children aged under 5 years
Please complete the under 5s Registration form. The parent / guardian of the child must also be registered at the practice, or both registrations must be submitted together if you are both newly registering.
Registering children aged 6-16 years
Please complete the 6-16 Registration Form. The parent / guardian of the child must also be registered at the practice, or both registrations must be submitted together if you are both newly registering.
Out of Area Patients
New arrangements introduced from January 2015 give people greater choice when choosing a GP practice. Patients may approach any GP practice, even if they live outside the practice area, to see if they will be accepted on to the patient list.
How do i find my NHS number?
- It is written on your NHS medical card.
- Your old GP practice will have this information and will usually be happy to provide it to you over the phone.
- Your NHS number is written on most hospital letters and appointment slips.
- If you have not previously registered with an NHS GP in the UK an NHS number will not be required for registration with the Caversham Practice.
Example NHS Number: